quick question on Ryoko and gems

to tenchi@ML.usagi.org
from "Lavondyss" <nguy0505@tc.umn.edu>
subject quick question on Ryoko and gems
date Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:27:50
Just a quick question that popped up and itching to ask. 

At the beginning of the OAV, Tenchi wouldn't give the gems back to Ryoko 
because he thinks/knows she's a demon and can cause a lot of havoc if he 
gave them all to her. So, being the smart guy that he is, he only gave back 
one. Of course she was pissed, but got over it. 

I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I was paying any 
attention. I wonder why he hasn't given them all back to her by now. Is he 
still afraid of her destructive nature or just wants her to stay around? 
She doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Wonder why she hasn't made anymore 
attempts to get them back. With the battle against Kagato, she really 
needed them, but would have been null and voided since Kagato knows how to 
control the gems. Wonder how he can control them..... what a nuisance he 
is. A no good two shoe baddy. 
But what about afterwards, During the second OAV. Ryoko didn't make any 
effort to get them back or showed any interest. Perhaps she is afraid that 
someone might get control of her again? Could Tenchi be afraid of the 
destruction she might cause if she had them, especially against Aeka. Poor 
poor Aeka. I suppose since they aren't in any real danger, she has no use 
for them. Except from the Mysterious fighter, Seiryo the Mighty Fag. He 
might turn them all into pink haired homos.......*cringes*. If it weren't 
for Mihoshi, they might have been in a real crisis. 

The OAV focuses some attention on the gems, while the TV series did not. 
So, naturally, I'm just referring to the OAV only. Anyone have a theory 
they'd like to throw up?

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