[tenchi:106405] Re: good series?

to tenchi@usagi.org
cc kenshinisthegoddamncoolestanime@yahoo.com
from kenshindono@comcast.net
subject [tenchi:106405] Re: good series?
date Fri, 22 May 2009 05:49:07 +0000 (UTC)
Holy crap a message actually went through! amazing, lol. I dont get why they never
did before. Ive been using comcasts stupid webased email for a while instead of eudora
like i used to in the past, maybe it doesn't like it. wonder if this will go
through too 

ungh, slow reply, ive been busy and am redecorating my bedroom right now. I'm getting
a good new soundsystem that looks like i'll be droping over 3k on, been using a mediocre
old sound in a box thing for ages, i figured ive been gaming in HD for a
while now i may as well be getting a boost in the audio dept too. Yeesh glad i am,
after spending 3 hours in the demo room at magnolia some of the games were insane
sounding! surprisingly fallout 3 was the best of them all. Jesus christ those plasma

weapons and high caliber rifles with the sound cranked were INSANE 

youd also be surprised how hard it is to find good quality zebra print carpet ;P lol

----- "Alan Zabaro" <azabaro@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> kenshindono@comcast.net wrote:
> > valkyria chronicles, and blade of the immortal. ALso just finished
> > d.loading Moribito since media blasters was being really lame and i
> > have no idea if they're going to even finish it
> They're going to - it's supposed to go back on Adult Swim in a few 
> months - but basically the entire US anime industry is in the toilet 
> right now, and only Funimation has the capital to do things at the
> pace 
> they'd like. Media Blasters has to take some time to be able to pay
> for 
> dubbing episodes, which is why discs 3 and 4 of Moribito probably
> won't 
> be on sale until Anime Expo (official street date is July 7 IIRC).

its funny that funmation is the one in the lead, they used to be such utter crap >_<
odd how things change over time. Ah well theyre dragging way too much ass, im not
waiting 2 years to finish this series

> Man, we've seen so much good stuff over the past several years it's
> hard 
> to know where to start. My first suggestion for anybody who'll try 
> something a bit unusual is Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture. It's 
> supposedly about a pair of kids from a sort of nowhere village in
> rural 
> Japan who try to escape to Tokyo by going to agricultural college. 
> Except that one of them can see microbes (they're these cute little 
> dudes), and can talk to them, and they talk back. It's...I can't even
> describe it. Seriously, just try the first episode.

wtf? lol that sounds very very odd.. looks like it came out in 2k7 or so, i was looking
for newer stuff, but still even that far back i was out of the game so its new to

> Now, assuming you're looking for new shows in general rather than just
> fansubs, I'd also tend to recommend the following titles (no 
> descriptions right now, since I need to get ready for work, and
> because 
> I'd have a hard time describing some of these without serious
> spoilers):
> The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi - from 2006, IIRC, and released by
> Bandai.

ah i think i saw a preview of that, it actually didn't look that great, looked like
a schoolgirl show which im not a fan of, unless they're very bizare (Azumanga Daioh)

> Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - yes, there are giant robots; no, it's not
> a generic giant robot show. Released by Bandai.

that show was HORRIBLE! i netflixed it and couldn't watch past a couple episodes..
how is it not a generic robot show? the robot looked like some SD 1960's robot design,
and the characters were terrible.. that was one of the worst shows ive seen in
years actually, lol 

> Dennou Coil - fansub. You need to give this one 3 or 4 episodes before
> it really gets going.
> Baccano - You need to watch at least through episode 2 of this; if you
> don't like Isaac and Miria, I don't know what to say. Being released
> by 
> Funimation (disc 4 should be out by mid-June, I think).
> Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei - aka Farewell, Professor Despair. 
> Comedy/satire centered on a high school teacher who can only see
> things 
> negatively (and is constantly attempting suicide), and the class of 
> bizarre students he's stuck with. Fansubs

hmm those sound intereting i'll give some of them a look

> Another Funimation show without a release date is Soul Eater (you
> should 
> still be able to find fansubs, but it might be even easier to wait for
> the official release).

soul eater.. that sounds familiar, didn't that come out a LONG time ago? i think it
was out a long time ago and looked like an EVA ripoff.. oh wait i think thats soul
taker. not sure what that ones about, maybe i'll check it out, whats it about?

> Oh, and you know they're producing a new Fullmetal Alchemist series, 
> right? Basically, now that the manga is pretty much complete, they're
> starting over and actually following the manga - it's being called 
> Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and you can see it free via
> streaming 
> on Funimation's site. Actually, a fair number of new titles are being
> simulcast with subs on streaming sites - take a look at 
> http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime.

ya id heard something about that, but didn't bother checking it out since its pretty
much just a remake from what i heard. Maybe if i find NOTHING else i'll give it a
look, but i dont really see the point. I already had to sit through the stupid plant

brothers arc and stuff, just watching it again with that cut out doesn't seem worthwhile

One thing i forgot to ask, is what fansub groups are good right now? a lot of stuff
im finding is avalible from multiple groups. not sure which ones to give prefrence

> > any sugestions? kinda dont know where to start looking =P
> > 
> > dont even know if this will go on through to the list my messages
> > havent lately for some reason
> I get the impression other folks have had posting problems. I don't
> know 
> if that applies to me - I've mostly been too busy to keep up.

well i getr like maybe 2 or 3 emails in a month, then nothing for months then a few
more. and any time i try replying it never gets through, thats why ive been sending
cc's to my other email sometimes to see if the mail goes through and it does, just

never get it coming back to me from the list =( no idea whats up so i know at the
very least MY messages aren't getting through, that was the first one in a long time,
i just stoped trying. wonder if this one will get through

do me a favor, if you get this alan can you send a reply to kenshinisthegoddamncoolestanime@yahoo.com
to let me know it went through?

tnx for the sugestions man

^_^x KD

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