bastardizing literature & feminizing hotnit

to RANMA ML <>
from "Snapple Girl" <>
subject bastardizing literature & feminizing hotnit
date Mon, 01 Feb 1999 00:23:20 -0500

>I wouldn't let children see Anastasia because it totally masacres one of the
>most important events in 20th century history. I think movies like Anastasia
>are the reason United States children score so low on international tests.
>They see these movies that totally massacre history (Anastasia) or Great works
>of western literature and mythology (Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame and
>I beg pardon for my rant but I consider myself to be a serious academic and
>intellectual and I hate when stuff like the above movies are released that
>massacre important aspects of Western Civilization in the name of the dollar.

I COMPLETELY agree with you!  <sarchasm> I love how disney took into account
the fact that the Romanavs were killed by a firing squad that was
compromised of their own army</sarchasm>  I was so upset with all the
blaring inaccuracies in those movies.  I refused to see Hercules but a
friend forced me to go, and I was squirming the whole time in my seat.  This
is why I hate Disney with a firey passion that burns deep within my soul 
Not only Disney is guilty of this too . . . in high school we watched "the
Scarlet Letter" for an extra credit assignment, and they *completely*
bastardized the novel.  (if you've ever read it)  Aggh!  (i must also ask to
be forgiven on my sudden outbreak on the commercial "bastardization of


Brave Leader Pat-

>I call this the "Cato Disorder", named after one, Jason
>Wade Cato, who is the smartest man in the universe.  On the Final Fantasy
>ML, he posts about three emails per year (seriously) but each one is
>brilliant, witty, and thought-provoking.  If I ever met him in real life,
>I would have no choice but to give him all of my material possessions and
>follow him around, basking in his wisdom.

I will too!  Of course, all I can give him is Snapple and 2 loads of dirty
laundry, but its a start!  And a small price to pay for infinate wisdom!



>Sounds like a part in one of those older fanfics (Furinkan Summer, maybe?
>Putting Your Heart in the Right Place?) when Ranma said something that
>really hurt Nabiki's feelings, so she hauled off and slapped him.  He saw
>it coming, thought about the different ways to avoid it....and did
>absolutely nothing.  He thought it was a flaw in his technique, so he went
>to his father  and told him about it.  Genma got all pissed off, and later
>Nodoka told Ranma that Genma had the same problem so he had been trying to
>train Ranma in such a way that this 'problem' wouldn't happen.  Nodoka
>believed that it was their conscience making them stay put and take it when
>their abilities could easily let them avoid it.

It was one of Richard Lawson's fanfics, but I'm not sure what the title was.


hotnitte  <--the feminine spelling)- 

>>What kind of school did you do to??!  I've seen every episode of "Cheers"
>>and "Jenny Jones" ever shown during the 1996-97 season!  It was on at the
>>same time as my Economics class!
>Whoa!!!  You the Wo-man!!!  Well my problem stemmed from my earlier
>college philosophy of, "Oops.  Fifteen minutes late.  Might as well
>watch the rest of Jerry Springer..." 

Ah, well, this was in high school . . .
Take economics in college?  Gah!  You gotta be joking!  I'm an artist!  I
don't sit through lectures, I make pretty pictures all day!  And usually the
entire class comes in 15 minutes late!  ^-^

>Until Shampoo's
>Amazon tribe is seen as an independent nation and joins the U.N. I say
>Ukyou's claim to Ranam is stronger.

Yay!  I agree!  But Shampoo is still the most wonderful Chinese Amazon to
walk this earth!  (one more day . . . one more day)



>I hear Hotnit is being feminized...  I just decided to show up and 
>offer my congratulations and any assistance I can render.  And I 
>am uniquely equiped to help in this instance...

Drakli!  Welcome to the Hotnit Feminization Project!  There are no real
rules for the project, all we do is "teach" hotnit how to be the cliched
female.  And if he gets out of line, feel free to "whip him back into shape"
any way you wish!  You may even make up a title or position in the project!
*shakes drakli's hands*


Tim & Jim-

Tim sayz-
>Escaflowne... I watched that at the same time as Eva, and
>I think that Escaflowne is better. But that's only me...
>my other friends show off and say they liked Eva better

I actually watched the first 10 episodes of Eva before i saw Esca, and i
didnt really keep me interested . . . then I saw the first few episodes of
Escaflowne and I was completely hooked!  Haven't watched Eva since!

>As for being the best anime in the world... I won't
>comment on that, but let's just say that you have a long
>way to go... 

Well, I tend to exaggerate a little sometimes  (for comedic affect) ^-^;;

>Still it's funny and pleasing to see how
>enthusiastic you are... (no, really! I mean that)

^-^;;  I tend to get a little overzealous in my affections as well  ^-~

Jim sayz-
>Well, the ending of Escaflowne is definitely better than Eva's.
>In general I like both of them, but Eva suffered from the gloom and doom
>that really got heavy in the later episodes.

I havent seen the end of Eva, but I pretty much know what happens.  I liked
the ending of Escaflowne, because it was very satisfying, but there was
still room for the adventure to continue in the future, you know what I



>(Hmmm is it just me or am I replying to you
>as much as Kunou replies to Becky?)

I dont know!  I dont seem to be reading Kunou's MR's as often as I do yours!

>Nope, sorry Kimmee,
>but I'm just a chionese word meaning "peace"

Chionese?  what language is that??  ^-~

>bludgeon me? why... I thought we were friends!! 

Duh!  That's the way I show affection toward my friends!  ^-~

>I'm sorry... now if
>you'll excuse me I have to get to the regenerator before I die from brain

Ack!  Don't die!  I'll fix it!
<snapple girl take a hello kitty bandaid out and puts it on ping;s head>
There!  All better!  ^-^

>>~KIM  ("Kimmee!  Don't hit me!  Please! . . . please?"  ~my friend 
>That Will sounds awfully like someone around here... someone who you hit
>quite a bit... who is it I'm thinking of? hmmm...

Hmmm . . .I really have *NO* idea who you're talking about!  <puts another
bandage on ping>
I mean, hitting people?  <socks ping in the arm>  Why would I do that? 
<puts a cast on the arm she just socked>  And it's someone from around here?
 <puts an eyepatch over pings eye>  Gee, I feel really bad for whoever that
person may be!  <puts medicine on a bruise on ping's other arm>

~KIM  ("I saw the sign, and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign"  ~They
Might Be Giants)
* FoTGTSBRiC - official beverage supplier for "that guy"
* Violence is Fun! A Ranma 1/2 Gallery -
* Hotnit's Defenders of all things Shampoo (1 day left!)
* Leader of the Hotnit Feminization Project

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