Re: AMG Character Poll......

from (Hibiki Kanzaki)
subject Re: AMG Character Poll......
date Tue, 5 Nov 1996 00:56:40 -0500 (EST)
>At 08:05 PM 11/4/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>I would have to agree with Jefferey on his points about Urd. However, my 
>>heart still beats for Bell-chan. She has a warmth about her that I find 
>So do I ^_^!!! My favorite characster is Belldandy...
Well, since I'm new here, I'll state my favorite character ^_^
SKULD!! The most brilliant sister, who also uses a hammer to get rid of 
those pesky bugs. She even likes ice cream!

Ja Ne!
  Who also likes ice cream.
Tony, aka...
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